Benalla Rural City Council is undertaking a heritage study to identify places of historical significance in Benalla and apply heritage controls to those that are assessed as places of heritage value. Stage 1 of the Study is reviewing places of heritage significance with Benalla township.

We invite you to participate in this study by making a submission below.

Do you have a special place in Benalla that holds historical or cultural value? It could be a charming old building, a picturesque landscape, or even a quaint street. Share an image or description of why it matters to you using the upload box below.

What we are looking for?

There are a number of ways a building or place can be significance, for instance:

  • Historic: a place that through its history is important to the community.
  • Rare: a place or that demonstrates some form of rarity.
  • Representative: a place such as a building , landscape feature, group of buildings or an archaeological site that is a very good example of its type either through its history or its appearance.
  • Aesthetically Significant: a place that demonstrates a uniqueness of style, construction or architecture. Or it might be associated with a significant architect.
  • Technically Significant: a place that displays noteworthy technical achievements.
  • Socially Significant: cultural or historic ties to specific communities or Indigenous heritage.
  • Notable Associations: places linked to influential individuals or events.

Join us in recognising Benalla’s heritage and shaping our future. Community input will ensure that heritage places are properly recognised, and managed.

Submissions close at 4pm Thursday 30 May 2024.

Benalla Art Gallery with reflection on Lake Benalla

Benalla Art Gallery