Communications in 2022
We are seeking community feedback on how we can communicate better and how you would like to hear the latest Council news, information and updates.
We are seeking community feedback on how we can communicate better and how you would like to hear the latest Council news, information and updates.
Rural communities working together with Council to plan for the future.
Have your say on the design concept to improve access to the Benalla Ceramic Mural.
The Domestic Animal Management Plan outlines how we will manage dogs and cats in the municipality over the next four years.
It's budget time. We want to hear what you think Council's priorities should be for the 2022-2023 financial year. Your feedback will help us build the budget.
Creating better outdoor spaces for our Community
Help draft the plans to develop pedestrian and recreational space in the Denny Street Courtyard. Share your ideas for creating safer access to amenities and facilities.
Share your feedback on the Nature Strip Guidelines
The Financial Plan provides a 10 year financially sustainable projection detailing how the actions of the Council Plan may be funded to achieve the Community Vision.
Sign up for training, events or committees for young people in Benalla
Our working group has been brainstorming skills and workforce solutions. Have your say to make a contribution to create a bright future for Benalla.
The draft Asset Plan outlines the way Council will manage assets now and into the future.
The purpose of the Roadside Fatality Memorial Guidelines Policy is to provide a guideline for the establishment and maintenance of roadside fatality memorials.
The purpose of this Policy is to provide guidance in the application of the schedule of Fees and Charges for the use of Council owned and operated facilities.
The purpose of the Commemorative Memorial Guidelines Policy is to provide a guideline for the establishment and maintenance of commemorative memorials.
A petition has been presented to Council for Churchill Reserve to be added to the list of designated areas where dogs may be exercised off leash.
The Policy details the waste management services that the Council offers to residents, businesses and other groups in the community.
An interpretive art trail that will enhance the existing Lake Benalla Walking Track.
The purpose of the Council’s Governance Rules 2020 is to outline guidelines for the Council to consider and make fair decisions on any matter being considered by Council.
Council is seeking to inform the community of a proposed amendment to charges for the Benalla Landfill and Resource Recovery Centre Transfer Station.
Benalla Rural City Council seeks community input to help choose the location of a new dog park in Benalla.
Creating better outdoor spaces for our Community
The Department of Justice have awarded Council $286,799 in grant funding to improve safety and enhance key locations within Benalla.
This project presents a proposal for Tesla to lease the Council owned section of the Smythe Street Carpark for the purpose of an Electric Vehicle (EV) charging station.
Provide input into the 2023/24 Council budget.
This project presents a proposed sculpture dedicated to Arthur Baird, the first chief engineer of Qantas.
This project presents the opportunity to have your say on the reinvigoration of a Benalla Street Art Festival in 2024
Benalla City Council has released its Proposed 2023/24 Budget for public comment. Submission must be made before 5pm Thursday 18 May 2023.
Council is beginning development of a new Climate and Environment Strategy.
Benalla Rural City is developing a 2023-2026 Control Plan for the Roadside Weeds and Pests Program (RWPP).
Benalla Rural City Council is seeking community input to help select the location and design of the Benalla Indoor Recreation Centre Redevelopment
Benalla Rural City Council is proposing that the Benalla Senior Citizens Community Centre be renamed.
Feedback from the community is Council has received a proposal to lease land at the Goorambat Recreation Reserve, as the site for a telecommunications tower.
Review and update of the Holland Bio Link Management Plan.
Improving access to sport and active recreation for women and girls.
Have your say on the proposed 2024/2025 Budget.
The Benalla Engage! program invites all young people from the region aged 12 to 25 to join us for the inaugural Benalla Open Table Tennis Competition.
Council is undertaking a heritage study to identify places of heritage value in Benalla.
Our Destination Management Plan (DMP) identifies key strengths and assets across Benalla Rural City.
Benalla Rural City Council is undertaking a review and update of the Benalla Airport Master Plan.
Victorian Government requires councils to move to a four stream waste and recycling system by 2030. As a result, we are seeking your feedback on making this change.
The Council has received an enquiry to enter into a second land lease agreement to construct a hangar at the Benalla Airport.
The Council received an enquiry to lease land on the Council owned reserve located at 93 -101 Waller Street, Benalla.
The Council Plan is a strategic document that outlines the vision, priorities, and objectives for the next four years.
The Open Space Strategy 2026 – 2040 will guide the future planning, development, and management of parks, sporting fields, playgrounds, and nature reserves.
The Benalla Art Gallery is undergoing a significant redevelopment to ensure it continues to shine as a leading cultural and artistic destination for decades to come.